A former TikTok star, Ali Abulaban, was found guilty on Wednesday of two counts of first-degree murder for the fatal shootings of his estranged wife and another man in their San Diego apartment in 2021. Ali had gained prominence on TikTok for his impersonations of 6ix9ine and Al Pacinos Scarface, though his trial has undoubtedly

A former TikTok star, Ali Abulaban, was found guilty on Wednesday of two counts of first-degree murder for the fatal shootings of his estranged wife and another man in their San Diego apartment in 2021. Ali had gained prominence on TikTok for his impersonations of 6ix9ine and Al Pacino’s Scarface, though his trial has undoubtedly overshadowed his viral fame. Abulaban, 31, admitted to killing Ana Abulaban, 28, and Rayburn Barron, 29, but claimed he acted in a moment of rage after discovering the pair together on the sofa. The case has drawn significant attention due to Abulaban's social media fame and the disturbing details of the crime. As the trial concluded, the jury's decision brought some closure to a case that has captivated many.

The Murders & Trial

During the trial, Ali Abulaban didn’t deny killing his wife and Barron, testifying that he "snapped" after finding the two together on a sofa. The charges included special circumstances for multiple murders, ensuring that the TikTok star would receive a life sentence without parole. Prosecutors initially had the option to seek the death penalty but chose not to pursue it, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.

The jury began deliberation on Friday before reaching a verdict on Wednesday. This followed an 18-day trial to determine whether the killings were premeditated or, as the defense argued, a result of Abulaban acting in the heat of passion. The defense painted Abulaban’s actions as a result of being "driven to the brink" by his wife's rejection, in addition to his struggles with cocaine addiction and mental health issues.

Prosecution's Case

Prosecutors portrayed the ex-TikTok star’s crime as a calculated and deliberate murder. They described Ali Abulaban as a controlling and possessive husband who had physically abused his wife for years. The separation was a significant turning point, leading to the tragic events of October 21, 2021, they said. 

On the morning of the murders, Ali Abulaban reportedly installed a microphone app on their daughter's iPad, and ransacked the unit after entering the apartment once his ex-wife left. Prosecutors claimed he listened in real-time as Ana and Barron conversed and laughed. Then, he returned to the apartment and committed the murders. Surveillance cameras captured his movements, and the audio of the fatal shots was a key piece of evidence in the trial.

The Day Of The Killings

The events of that fateful day were chilling. Around 3 p.m., Abulaban heard his wife and Barron through the eavesdropping app. He rushed to the building, ascended to the 35th floor, and entered the apartment with a gun. According to prosecutors, he fired multiple shots at close range, killing both victims. Barron was shot three times in the head and neck, while Ana was shot in the forehead. The trial's dramatic opening included the playing of security camera audio, capturing the shots, a woman's scream, and the ensuing silence.

Ali Abulaban's Defense & Testimony

During the trial, Ali Abulaban's defense presented a narrative of a troubled man driven to a breaking point. His attorney described a tumultuous marriage filled with arguments and reconciliations, asserting that Abulaban's judgment was impaired by substance abuse and emotional distress.

According to reports, Abulaban’s testimony on the stand was nothing short of volatile. His calm demeanor would often be interrupted by emotional outbursts in court. During his testimony, he stated that he never had the intention to kill anyone but felt overwhelmed by the situation. He also admitted that he called 911 and picked his daughter up from school afterward, telling her, “I hurt mommy.” Furthermore, his mother also took the stand and stated that he not only called her after the killings but also sent her pictures of the bloodied bodies on the couch. 

A Marriage Marked By Violence

The relationship between Ali and Ana Abulaban was fraught with violence and control. They met in Japan in 2014, where Ali was serving in the Air Force, ABC 10 reports. Prosecutors alleged that he was discharged from the army after punching his wife in the face. However, Ali refuted, claiming that she actually suffered an injury from a fall. The couple stayed together, moving to Virginia and later to San Diego. Nevertheless, prosecutors believe this specific incident was an early indication of the abuse that she suffered. In San Diego, Ali Abulaban gained popularity on TikTok under the handle JinnKid, known for his comedic impersonations of Al Pacino’s Scarface character and 6ix9ine. Ana often filmed his videos and even appeared in a few of his TikTok clips. Unfortunately, their personal life was far from comedic. 

Sentencing & Aftermath

Ali Abulaban is scheduled to be sentenced on June 28, facing life imprisonment without parole. The case has brought to light the dark side of social media fame and the severe consequences of domestic violence. Ana Abulaban's tragic death serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of abusive relationships and the importance of seeking help. As the community and the nation grapple with the aftermath, the hope remains that Ana Abulaban’s story will inspire more robust support systems for victims of domestic violence and greater awareness of the signs of abusive behavior.

