Catherine Cohen, a Dream

Dreams are famously interesting to the dreamer, both while they are happening and for a day or two afterward. The former is fine, but the latter results in a lot of painfully boring conversations. No one cares about your dreams. Catherine Cohens dreams? Now that is a different story. As my colleague Madeleine Aggeler wrote

Catherine Cohen.

Dreams are famously interesting to the dreamer, both while they are happening and for a day or two afterward. The former is fine, but the latter results in a lot of painfully boring conversations. No one cares about your dreams. Catherine Cohen’s dreams? Now that is a different story. As my colleague Madeleine Aggeler wrote at the Cut last month, “Lots of things are a dream to Cohen. The Club Cumming show [she hosts weekly]: ‘a dream’; her recent, boob-baring appearance on HBO’s High Maintenance: ‘a dream’; her ex-boyfriend: ‘a dream’; her recent one-woman show at London’s Moth Club: ‘a fucking dream.’” Her actual, sleep-time dreams? Also a dream. That’s because she’s singing about them in a way that only she can — with radical vulnerability and a special mixture of self-awareness and an ironic lack of self-awareness. It’s a style that’s made her one of the most exciting up-and-coming comedians and the absolute obsession of a growing fan base, who know her from her podcast, Seek Treatment, and her aforementioned one-woman show The Twist? … She’s Gorgeous, which she’ll be performing at Joe’s Pub in May, June, and July.

“Dreams,” one of the songs she’ll likely perform in those shows, is the subject of this week’s bonus mini-episode of Good One, Vulture’s podcast about jokes and the people who tell them. Listen below or download the episode from Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Catherine Cohen, a Dream

