Chelsea and Conner's problems - The Young and the Restless

To me it seems as if Chelsea is making Conners problems all about herself and what she needs. All I see is someone who is projecting her mental health problems on her child. To me for therapy to work for Conner he has to want to go and do the work. I dont think she

To me it seems as if Chelsea is making Conner’s problems all about herself and what she needs. All I see is someone who is projecting her mental health problems on her child. To me for therapy to work for Conner he has to want to go and do the work. I don’t think she is considering what his wants and needs are. I would be desperate to help my child to but I would consider his wants and needs also. So far all I see is her making it all about her.


I don’t see that. Both Chelsea and Adam are afraid that they are the cause of Connor’s problems, and they both have assured each other that that is not true. Connor is very lucky to have two parents who love him so much and will do anything for him.


To me, it seems like Chelsea is still suffering from severe mental health issues herself, or at least that’s how MCE is playing her. She’s nearly manic in most of these scenes, especially when anyone disagrees with her in the slightest.



Both Chelsea and Adam are afraid

They are doing their best. But it bothers me that Conner comes home and is happy for the first time in months and Chelsea wants to ship him off even further away. I find it very hard to believe he wouldn’t be better off with his family, living at home, and seeing a therapist in GC.


I don’t see any reason to question Dr Alcott’s recommendation.

I think Adam is the best father on the show. He actually loves his son


I noticed the same thing in how MCE is playing the Chelsea role in this circumstance. I expected the character to have a breakdown of some kind because she was talking so fast. But most of all, the way she spoke made me doubt the need for Connor to leave for Maryland. He behaved normally, she didn’t.



They are doing their best. But it bothers me that Conner comes home and is happy for the first time in months and Chelsea wants to ship him off even further away. I find it very hard to believe he wouldn’t be better off with his family, living at home, and seeing a therapist in GC.

I think that there is a highly qualified therapist in GC who can help Conner. Dr. Alcott is only one opinion and I doubt that she is familiar with therapists in GC.

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I think both Chelsea and Adam doing their best to help their son and Chelsea did do her homework and that hospital is the best for Connor. Now maybe they can find a better solution, closer to home, but at least they are working together for their son. Let’s face it, both of them have had their own problems which hasn’t helped Connor. Adam has done plenty of wrong things in his life and when married to Chelsea, he was too busy with Sharon which set Chelsea off. Now they are both haunted by their past when it comes to Connor but are working together to find a solution. I did love Adam with Chelsea, it was so riveting and having felt that way about a couple since then.


Until we find out that Dr. Alcott, a specialist in OCD, is incorrect in her diagnosis of Connor and her prescribed treatment, I will believe that she is correct. Because to me, Dr. Alcott is not the story. The story is in how Connor’s illness affects Chelsea and Adam and the people who are supporting them.


I wonder if, in his spare time, JG writes phone scripts for those scammers who call people to try to get them to send money to an out of town relative, or who tell them that their bank account has been hacked and they need to move all their money out of the account right away, etc. They always are pushing the urgency line telling people that they have to act right now!!. It’s all a ploy of course to get them to move money before they have time to really think things out.

I see the same ploy at work here…it’s the best place, there is only one spot left, you have to act right now!!! Usually when I see someone pushing that ‘urgent’ line it’s a sign that there is a good reason to slow down and think things over.

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She’s nearly manic in most of these scenes, especially when anyone disagrees with her in the slightest.

:arrow_up: THIS :arrow_up:

She has never been officially diagnosed as bipolar, but she’s definitely bipolar. Most of the time when she talks she sounds like Alvin and the chipmunks on a sped up 45!

I watch with closed captioning on and she talks so fast that I have to pause the screen in order to read what she’s saying before it disappears.


Well, now I’m starting to see clips that make it sound like Adam and Chelsea are going to have to storm the treatment center and get Connor out of there. I thought it was supposed to be a PSA story. :slight_smile:

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apparently those two trigger the OCD in connor.
they should go there, get him and bring him home, its not like they can’t afford the best treatment.


that institution where Connor is in Baltimore seems very fishy to me - parents not allowed to visit their child for weeks is a red flag for me. Is this place run as a cult?


Cult came to mind. Also, Evil Empire. But I’m hoping I’m just overreacting to Chelsea and Adam’s extreme pain.


I would hope with their psa on this that they don’t turn it into the next clown show. they made fools out of sharon and patti with their mental illness. If they can’t do a story well, don’t do it.



All I see is someone who is projecting her mental health problems on her child

The big dummy felt a dire need to tell a 10-year-old boy that she tried to off herself!!

No 10-year-old is equipped with the mental capacity to absorb their mother having attempted to kill herself.

I can guarantee all that little boy was feeling at the time was that his mother hates him so much that she doesn’t want to be around him anymore! So of course he’s going to blame himself because according to him he isn’t enough for his mother to stick around and live.

If Chelsea is looking for someone to blame, she really does need to look in a mirror.

I am so fed up with these stupid mental health storylines.


I am beginning to think that they are going to turn this storyline with connor into a straight from the headlines kind of thing . I think this residential treatment facility is going to be an abusive.One like the ones that they have recently documented with paris hilton and that other documentary on netflix. I would rather they didn’t.I think it’s just sad



I don’t see any reason to question Dr Alcott’s recommendation

This new place does not seem good for Connor. I liked Dr. Alcott but I have a bad feeling about Connor being in the facility in Baltimore.


I think that there is a highly qualified therapist in GC who

It’s not a small town. I agree that good Therapists are probably available in GC. And Connor was so happy to be home.

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