Does Eren Die in 'Attack on Titan'? [SPOILERS]

Now that the final chapters of the manga for 'Attack on Titan' have been released, we know what happens to Eren in the end. Does he die? Warning: This article contains spoilers for the series finale of Attack on Titan.

Now that the final chapters of the manga for 'Attack on Titan' have been released, we know what happens to Eren in the end. Does he die?

Source: YouTube

Warning: This article contains spoilers for the series finale of Attack on Titan.

The series Attack on Titan has taken fans on all kinds of emotional rollercoasters. We follow Eren Yeager through an incredible yet depressing journey where it seems like everything we find out is more upsetting as the chapters go on. 

And, of course, it starts with Eren losing both his parents in a world where Titan attacks are a common occurrence. And we can't forget that he loses a number of people he cares about throughout the story.

But the final chapters of the manga have been released, and things don't end well for Eren. But does Eren die at the end of Attack on Titan? And if he does die, what does that mean for the future of the series and the rest of the Titan race?

Source: YouTube

Does Eren die in 'Attack on Titan'?

Unfortunately, yes. Eren dies at the very end of the series. For fans, this could be a hard truth to deal with since we've been following his journey to avenge his parents' death and discover the world outside the walls from the very beginning. 

And it's also not common for mangakas or people who make manga to kill off their main characters. What's even worse is how he died. But the series ends in such a way that his death feels important in tying everything together.

At the end of the manga, Mikasa, Armin, and Levi, as well as other fellow soldiers, are facing off against Eren and the source of all matter in battle. After some time, Mikasa is able to enter into the mouth of Eren's Titan form where his actual body is visible and she decapitates him. 

Eren has escaped death before and it's possible for members of the Titan race to rapidly heal themselves and even regrow entire limbs, but it doesn't work this time. 

What happens after Eren dies?

Now that Eren is dead, so is the rest of the Titan race. If you're familiar with the series, then you know that the Titans are a race of people called the Subjects of Ymir who are descendants of Ymir Fritz. 

She found the power to transform into one via the source of all matter, a.k.a. the shiny centipede, and when she died, her soul was split into different segments that would later become the different types of Titans. 

Source: YouTube

Once Eren dies, the source of all matter vanishes, and every member of the Titan race returns to their human form. This basically means that the Titan race no longer exists and the end of the Attack on Titan series. Mikasa brings Eren's head to Armin and they mourn their friend together. 

In its very last pages, the manga shows that Eren is buried under a tree on Paradis Island that he napped under as a child. His friends and fellow soldiers visit him, and Mikasa says she wants to see him again.

But keep in mind, Eren would have died anyway, although not as soon. All members of the Titan race can only live for an additional 13 years after they awaken to their powers because the Curse of Ymir says that none of her descendants can live longer than she did. 

Even though the series is over, you can still watch Attack on Titan on Hulu.

