How Does Bodybuilding Effect Your Body?

Body building is a sporting activity that requires strenuous workout in addition to stringent dietary regimens to create an attractive physical look with a well-shaped muscular body system with a severely lower body fat percent.

Body building is a sporting activity that requires strenuous workout in addition to stringent dietary regimens to create an attractive physical look with a well-shaped muscular body system with a severely lower body fat percent.

This piece aims to uncover the physiological and psychological repercussions of bodybuilding, focusing on muscle development, metabolism, hormonal alterations & a general investigation of how it affects your health.

Effects of bodybuilding on human physiology

Muscle Growth

The bodybuilding training purpose is to reach the goal of a muscle gain and achieve a balanced body shape.

One of those terms refers to the muscle growth process or muscle hypertrophy that you might have heard about when you first entered the gym.


Bodybuilders competing in preparation contests usually must undergo some type of energy deficit with the goal of decreasing body fat levels, which may negatively affect resting metabolic rate (RMR) and non-physical activity related energy expenditure.

Significant fluctuations in body weight and composition during competition preparation and recovery may affect metabolic rate and energy balance.

Resistance exercise is a primary modality for physique athletes, providing a pivotal role in muscle mass maintenance/improvement during preparation, but may be additionally influenced by sleep, mood, and dietary intake.

Hormonal Changes

Decreased anabolic hormones including testosterone, insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and insulin have been described in response to energy restriction before competition.

Contest preparation is associated with marked hormonal dysregulation, loss of fat-free mass (FFM) and down-regulation in ad-libitum energy expenditure, with some of these functional alterations persisting for several months post-competition.

Contest preparation can result in reductions of resting metabolic rate, maladaptive changes in circulating hormones, and decrements in fat-free mass, thereby setting up potential episodes of overfeeding and fat overshooting.

Recovery Period

Body composition, resting metabolic rate and blood hormone levels all change markedly following competition in bodybuilders, and recovery times display considerable individual differences.

The Mental Side of Bodybuilding

Sleep and Mood Disturbances

Poor sleep, mood disturbances, or decreased dietary intake which are also associated with contest preparation, can directly affect changes in exercise performance.

Sleep and mood disturbances may alter exercise performance during contest preparation.

Measures for Psychological and Quality of Life

Typically, during the post-competition period, QoL includes well-being and sleep quality to capture the potential psychological impact of the sport on bodybuilders.

Bodybuilding Health Consequences/Risks

Consequences Of Dietary Supplements

There are also greater reliance of bodybuilders on dietary supplements and hormones to help physical training and performance.

The consumption of dietary supplements and hormones might involve potential adverse effects, such as cardiovascular, hematopoietic, metabolic, and neurological troubleshooting.

Banned substances may also be used by some bodybuilders, posing a health and/or legal risk.

Anabolic Steroid And Performance-Enhancing Drug Use

The high prevalence of metabolic diseases, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, the increased risk of cancer, and mental diseases are, among many others, all health hazards that can result from consumption of anabolic steroids and other banned substances, especially among bodybuilders.

Doping agents have been implicated in bodybuilding as a major public health concern for both professional and nonprofessional athletes.

All in all

The physical and psychological effects of bodybuilding are very real and can make many of us do things we never thought would be possible.

It can alter muscle growth, metabolism, hormone regulation, slumber, mood, and, ultimately, health.

The use of dietary supplements and hormones, including banned substances, can present health risks, and legal issues as well.

This is paramount for the wellness of the individual bodybuilders and also for athletes, coaches, healthcare professionals engaging in bodybuilding. 

Though bodybuilding carries the potential for changes in the physical appearance, it is important to be aware of the various health implications associated with the intense programs of training or use of supplements.

