Honor the Dark Side With These Revenge of the Fifth Memes

Now it's time for 'Star Wars' fans to honor the Dark Side with "Revenge of the 5th," and what better way than with memes! Here are our favorites. Move over "May the 4th," it's time for Star Wars buffs to appreciate the real celebration: "Revenge of the Fifth."

Now it's time for 'Star Wars' fans to honor the Dark Side with "Revenge of the 5th," and what better way than with memes! Here are our favorites.

Allison DeGrushe - Author

Move over "May the 4th," it's time for Star Wars buffs to appreciate the real celebration: "Revenge of the Fifth."

As a play on Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, the annual unofficial holiday rolls around every May 5 and offers fans the opportunity to celebrate the Sith Lords and various other villainous characters from the beloved legendary franchise.

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If you're looking to bask in the festivities and celebrate "Revenge of the 5th" in a lighthearted way, we highly suggest you turn your attention to memes. Sure, there are "May the 4th" memes, but they will never be as show-stopping or iconic as the memes dedicated to our favorite fiends. So, without further ado, check out our favorites below!

Work is temporary, but 'Star Wars' is forever.

My boss when I try explaining how today is "Revenge of the 5th" and that it'd be fine to post Star Wars memes all day again. pic.twitter.com/EMg4EUJYmZ

— Speedify (@speedify) May 5, 2021

That moment when your boss doesn't understand your life revolves around Star Wars ... awkward! But honestly, we always jump at the opportunity to report on our favorite space-opera franchise (Obi-Wan Kenobi is juuust around the corner).

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"Revenge of the 5th" > "May the 4th be with you"

You: It's May 4th, you know what that means — "May the Fourth be with you!"

Me, an intellectual: I only celebrate the real Star Wars celebration, "Revenge of the 5th."

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Anakin definitely experienced war flashbacks to Order 66.

Star Wars nation (and those poor younglings that met their demise during Order 66) will never forget how for 0.2 seconds, Anakin apologized for his wrongdoings and managed to snag a spot in Jedi heaven. So unfair!

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This completely sums up 'Revenge of the Sith' (2005)

While Anakin frolics about with his new BFF Palpatine, Obi-Wan struggle to move on.

If Star Wars took place in our world, there's no doubt in our mind that Obi-Wan would've been the one to express this iconic quote before Katy Perry could: "They ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand."

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The debate of the century!

Since it seems like the beginning of time, Star Wars fans have debated whether they should celebrate "Revenge of the 5th" or "Revenge of the 6th." The world honestly may never know the actual answer, but "Revenge of the 6th" makes more sense.

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Like Yoda, we also partied too hard on May the 4th.

Poor Yoda ... he never saw the Sith coming!

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Anakin and R2-D2 will always be the most iconic 'Star Wars' duo.

We will never forget when Anakin signaled R2-D2 to freak out so they could escape from General Grievous and his droids. Truly one of the greatest moments in Star Wars history.

