Who is douard Roger-Vasselins wife Marine Hugueny? Wiki, age, children, net worth

douard Roger-Vasselin is a French professional tennis player who primarily specializes in doubles. He was born inGennevilliers, France on November 28, 1983. He is currently 38 years old and possesses a height of 1.88 m. In singles, his highest ranking was world No. 35, achieved in February 2014, and he finished runner-up at the2013 Delray

Édouard Roger-Vasselin is a French professional tennis player who primarily specializes in doubles. He was born in Gennevilliers, France on November 28, 1983. He is currently 38 years old and possesses a height of 1.88 m. In singles, his highest ranking was world No. 35, achieved in February 2014, and he finished runner-up at the 2013 Delray Beach Open and 2014 Chennai Open.

He is a married man who has been married to his long-time girlfriend, Marine Hugueny. In this article, we will be learning more about her as we dive into her personal life to know her age, children, and net worth.

Who is Édouard Roger-Vasselin’s wife Marine Hugueny?

Marine is a celebrity spouse who happens to be the wife of French professional tennis player, Édouard Roger-Vasselin, The couple has been married for more than a decade now since they tied the knot in 2011, in La Baule-Escoublac, France. 

She has chosen to live a low-profile life regardless of her status hence information about her personal life including her date of birth is unknown. However, she is believed to be in her early 30s.

There is no information about the children of the couple, hence it is assumed that the couple as of July 2022, has no kids.

Marine’s net worth is unknown. Meanwhile, her husband, Edouard Roger-vasselin is said to have an estimated net worth of $1.5 Million

